Thursday, December 9, 2010

First time to experience

Today, I took pictures of students who are willing to become professional models. It was, in fact, my first time to have this experience. Due to my shy and quiet personality, I wasn't able to demand the models to take pose that I wanted. Plus, as both of them were girls, it was even harder for me. I have learned the fact that in order to become professional photographer, one should acquire not only skills but ability to make comfortable atmosphere during the shootings. Today, the models were more relaxed than I was. I was too  nervous even to ask how was their day. As photography depicts the single moment, I learned that one has to express and feel the emotion at that time fully.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Photo Lecture_Part 1

Here is Photo Lecture Part 1.

Please, download attached file, "lecturepart1.pdf"


Monday, July 12, 2010


역사 박물관과 이옥선 할머니

What is the "House of Sharing"?

The "House of Sharing" is the home for the living comfort women
who were forced into becoming sex-slaves during World War II.
The House of Sharing Establishment Committee was founded in June 1992
with the purpose of building a home for the living comfort women through raising funds
from Buddhist organizations and various circles of society.

<나눔의 집>은 태평양전쟁 말기, 일제에 의해 성적 희생을 강요당했던 생존 일본군 위안부 할머니들이
모여 살고 있는 곳이다.

<나눔의 집>에 거주하는 일본군 '위안부' 할머니들은  과거 일제의 일본군 위안부 만행에 대한 진상을
역사에 알리는 활동을 하고 있다.

매주 수요일 [한국정신대문제대책협의회]에서 주관하는 일본대사관 앞에서의 수요시위를 통하여
일제의 일본군 위안부 만행을 폭로하고 일본이 과거사에 대하여 진정한 참회를 요구하고 있다.

생존해 계시는 분은 2007년 12월 모두 106명 정도였으며 2008년 여름 현재 99명이다.
<나눔의 집>에는 7명의 할머니들이 살고 계신다.